Summer Training Tips

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The school year is finally coming to an end, which means summer training is only a couple of weeks away! Congrats to all of the student-athletes who have made it through the school year, but the grind doesn’t stop now! Summer training is the best time of the year for athletes of all sports to improve their athleticism and skill set. At Warren Academy, our Summer Academy includes strength and agility training to help push athletes to their full potential. Our experienced coaches know effective training strategies for young athletes, and are here to help them gain the most out of all of our programs. Below, we provide some tips on how any athlete can make the most out of their summer training this year. Stay consistent The one thing every athlete needs to focus on while training this summer is staying consistent. Consistency is key in sports, and is extremely beneficial when it comes to training. Skipping days, or even weeks, is okay from time to time. However, if you start missing days on days, it will be hard to reach your goals. Keeping your head down, working hard, and staying consistent with your training is the best way to become better every summer! Create goals Setting goals for yourself is also vital when it comes to summer training. Strength and agility training can become very repetitive, and the summer months in general usually come with many distractions. Setting goals is one way to help yourself stay focused on the finish line, on what you want to accomplish. Whether those goals are training x amount of times per week, improving your PR’s by x amount, be sure to write down whatever you choose. This will allow you to go back and visually see what you were wanting to accomplish, and help you hold yourself accountable to get it done.  Stay hydrated The summer months are hot and humid, and as nice as it is to get to train outdoors, proper hydration is important in keeping yourself safe. Not only does proper hydration enhance your physical performance and allow for optimal muscle growth, but it is also necessary in keeping yourself safe from training in extreme heat. Heat related accidents are becoming more common in sports.  Have fun Lastly, it’s important that you have fun while training this summer. Summer workouts can get repetitive, but they don’t have to be! There are many ways in which athletes can switch up their routines, or create more fun training sessions. Offseason competitions are one of the best ways athletes can push themselves while having fun.  The summer is an opportunity to take your game to the next level. When doing strength and agility training this summer, make sure to remember these things to get the most out of your summer training!  At Warren Academy, we will be offering summer training programs for athletes of all sports, ages and levels. Visit our website to learn more and register today! 

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